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KarbantartásPubblicato il: 24/03/2014.
Tempo di lettura: 4 min.

Simple and easy maintenance...leads to money savings

Generally a constant and regular maintenance throughout the year, requires lower expenses compared to a single regeneration application, for better results in a natural grass pitch.

In PowerGrass maintenance is more easy and contained. Following 10 topics is sufficient to maintain the grass in good health, resistant up to 1400 playing hours per year.

Routine maintenance

  1. Mow regularly the grass at the height of 2.8-3.5 cm during the playing season and 4-5 cm during the hottest months in the summer when the grass rests.
  2. Water Management should be done infrequent to promote the development of deep roots. Though, during hot summers the grass requires frequent irrigation almost everyday, but is important that the soil moisture content is maintained at a low level: above the "wilting point" at which the grass will wilt, but below the "field capacity" to provide stronger grass cells.
  3. Line marking using a non-toxic paint for natural grass type Goldline, by means of a line marking sprayer type Linogold helps you save paint and time, offering bright white lines.
  4. Reseeding small holes and areas of greatest wear is very easy practicing small holes, good enough to cover the seeds, in the sand based growth medium.

Specialized maintenance

  1. Scarifying or Grooming the turf surface to remove the excess of thatch. In PowerGrass heavy foot traffic of players does a good job up to a certain limit. If necessary use machines with springs instead of knives to avoid to harm the artificial filaments that outstand over the ground surface. Fine grooming seems not to be a problem at all, meanwhile pin rollers increase the air exchange and helps to brake down thatch.
  2. Spread sand on turf better in combination with aeration to improve water infiltration and keep dry the surface, to protect the crowns of the grass, ​​to keep the surface even to play better and safer. PowerGrass doesn't like sanding, since sand tends to "bury" the artificial filaments but normally the grass is under heavy foot traffic and thatch is not an big issue. Though, if necessary, it's strongly recommend to combine it with scarifying machines with springs that tend to take away part of the material together with thatch. Control frequently growth medium in laboratory and use lime, if necessary to keep pH neutral.
  3. Deep soil aeration to eliminate compaction and promote water drainage and deep root development. In clay soils, if the budget is low and an USGA type soil costruction is not affordable, good results are obtained if combining a regular pipe system with slits drains filled with wet coarse sand to remove excess of water from the surface into underground layers, easy to carry out with DrainMaster. In PowerGrass deep soil aeration is possible with Verti-Drain with fine or needle solid tines penetrating the soil and the backing at about 80-85° (slight lifting). Geofill is special designed to reduce the need of deep aeration and reduce both maintenance costs or small damages to the artificial backing, even if it's not an important issue.
  4. Fertilize 5-6 times a year with a slow-release products when the grass is established and bacteria activity is active. During establishment and when bacteria activity is low, use easy to uptake fertilizers to promote grass growth. Please note that excess of Nitrogen is not providing strong grass to foot traffic.
  5. Overseeding existing turf to increase grass density and replace the plants damaged by playing activity. In PowerGrass use a pin roller overseeder easy to make holes on the sand based growth medium and to cover the seeds without bothering artificial filaments.
  6. Control annual weeds (mono and dicotyledons) with selective herbicides and prevent fungal diseases with registered products. In PowerGrass weeds have very little chance to grow since the system is not growing on the existing soil, but may occur in some cases in windy areas or in cases where local river sand is not clean. Control weeds as usual natural grass.
    PowerGrass is meant for high traffic use and time to recover eventual damages is alway very little. Preventing is always better, therefore water management and fertilization should aim to reinforce the plant resistance to fungus attacks but when the climate is stressful for the grass growth don't hesitate to use registered products. Advise your Agronomist expert to avoid surprises and use alway recommended application rates to safe money and to avoid any environmental impact.

Note: avoid maintenance mechanical applications if the thermometer exceeds 32 °C and avoid using the pitch when the surface is frozen.

Visit the download page to get brochures, presentations, and maintenance documents upon simple registration.


The automatic mowing with CutCat improves the quality of cut and the density of the grass, making everything easier at low costs.


New irrigation system at the San Siro stadium: it facilitates the management of water for irrigation, provides greater uniformity in the distribution and saving the most precious resource.


Fine solid tines of 8-12 mm with the Verti-Drain is possible to decompact the growth medium under the backing.


Use a machine with conical pins to aerate and overseed PowerGrass

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